Crocheted flowers partly obscured by a yellow paperclip holding the broken parasol together. |
This antique parasol, discreetly propped against the arm of a wicker dress form wearing a fragile
1906 silk and lace wedding gown, is quite unassuming in the swaths of ecru silk surrounding it. The parasol isn't mentioned in any descriptive placards, so I had to do my best Nancy-Drew impression and become a parasol detective!
The parasol isn't made of silk; more like a sturdy but elegant cotton. It is ecru colored, but it might've once been brilliantly white. Crocheted flowers decorate the parasol. There are no carved ivory or bone handles here--just a plain, straight, thin handle made of wood, and a broken interior metal structure. I've been told by
Cassidy that this parasol is in fact Edwardian, as I had guessed--she believes it might range from 1900 to 1929.
The interior metal structure has broken, and to fix this, someone has fastened the parasol with what appears to be a bent-out yellow paperclip...
Not only is this terribly unattractive and anachronistic, it is part of why the fashion exhibit looks like such an afterthought. It's not that anyone who sees the exhibit will be emotionally scarred because an antique parasol was held together with a bent-out paperclip, it's the mix of anachronism and distastefulness that together creates a negative display... The bent paperclip holding shut a parasol, the "sinfully hideous" (as said by
Cheyenne) shoes on the
1910's Graduation Dress display, or the ugly and cheap blue necklace on the 1905-09 hyacinth wool suit,...these all contribute to a generally negative and sloppy impression to the viewer. These betrayers of visual harmony negatively affect the experience of a museum goer, and that is counterintuitive to the premise of a local museum. There must be a sort of visual cohesion even in an environment, such as the Kearny History Museum, where total historical accuracy isn't necessary.
If you're going to accessorize with a historically inaccurate necklace, at least use an attractive one. |
I couldn't repair the parasol, as that is out of both my skill level and comfort zone, but I could soften and beautify its appearance. I found some ivory wired ribbon (the same that was used on the bouquet of the
1926 wedding dress) and decided that even if it wasn't historically accurate, at least it was a prettier treatment than a bent up paperclip, and still helped to convey the femininity and frivolity of these fashions.
An elegantly styled ribbon bow! |
I couldn't help myself--I added a little bow to the handle as well. What do you think of it? Is it too much? |
Cheyenne helpfully offered this
photo of a parasol that not only has a
similar handle shape (though more embellished) but also has the handle
decorated with a fine bow!