1864 Bodice Decorated with Beaded Swags | La Mode Illustree

While reading through the 1864 edition of La Mode Illustrée, I came across this charming bodice, decorated with swags of trim, on page 12. The text implies that there is a pattern somewhere in the book, but I think it would be easier to drape or draft a pattern (or my favorite method: alter an existing pattern like a Truly Victorian or Laughing Moon) to replicate this look. The trim can be recreated with gimp braid and small beaded tassels.

Original Text:
Corsage montant
Votei un patron tres-simple, et, par cela meme, tres-utile; on pourra l'executer en toute etoffe, changer, ou meme supprimer les ornements, et le porter, entre autres, avec la garniture de mignardise publiee dans le number 6.

Chacun des morceaux composant le corsage est coupe en etoffe et doublure; la figure 53 (dos) est tailee d'un seul morceau ; pour chaque manche on coupera deux morceaux d'apres la figure 51/4 ; celui de dessous sera enchancre sur la ligne fine. Apres avoir assemble, en les fawflant, dessus et doublure, on coud les deux pinces indiques sur la figure 31, point avec point jusqu'a la croix - etoile avec etoile jusqu'au double point, puis on execute les boutonnieres sur le devant de droite, et l'on pose les boutons sur le devant de gauche ; on assemble les lettres pareilles ; on pose des baleines sous les pinces et sous les coutures. Les deux morceaux des manches sont cousus ensemble depouis e jusqu'a "w" - depuis "x" jusqu'a "y" ; en placant la manche dans l'entournure, le "v" doit se trouver avec lo "v" de la figure 31 (devant). 

Translation from Google Translate:
High bodice
Vote for a very simple and therefore very useful boss; it can be executed in any fabric, change or even remove the ornaments, and wear it, among other things, with the mignardise trim published in number 6.

Each of the pieces making up the bodice is cut out of fabric and lining; Figure 53 (back) is cut in one piece; for each sleeve, we will cut two pieces according to figure 51/4; the one below will be delighted on the fine line. After having assembled, by folding them down, the top and the lining, we sew the two pliers indicated in figure 31, point to point to the cross star with star to the double point, then we execute the buttonholes 'front right, and the buttons are placed on the front left; we assemble such letters; we place the whales under the clips and under the seams. The two pieces of the sleeves are sewn together from e to "w" - from "x" to "y"; placing the sleeve in the middle, the "v" should be with lo "v" in figure 31 (front).

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